All meetings will be in the school library. Agenda items must be requested at least 3 days prior to meeting dates. Please contact Sarrah Metzinger with requests.
September 4th, 2024 @ 5:30 PM
November 6th, 2024 @ 5:30 PM
February 5th, 2025 @ 5:30 PM
April 23rd, 2025 @ 5:30 PM
The purposes of the PTO are to:
- Promote open communication among parents, teachers and adminsitration
- Provide support for the principal in his or her role as the administrator of the school
- Promote goodwill and cooperation between and among parents, faculty, administration and parish.
- Help build and enhance the faith community of Sacred Heart Catholic School and Parish
- Raise funds for the school in a manner consistent with stewardship
- Coordinate the service and volunteer programs
- Lobby for legislation that has a positive impact on the school and its students
In additiom, the PTO exists to support the principal and staff in their endeavors to provide quality, Catholic education for all students and to help parents and teachers develop a mutual understanding of and appreciation for the ideals of Catholic education, especially in terms of proclaiming the gospel message, building community, and education for service and worship.Who Is A Member of the PTO?
All parents or legal guardians with children enrolled in Sacred Heart Catholic School, faculty, Staff, Principal of the school and Pastor of the Parish or his delegate. In addition all Sacred Heart Parishoners are welcome to participate in PTO.
Being active in Sacred Heart's PTO is a great way to share your time and talent with our parish and school. How does one get involved?
- Chair or co-chair an event
- Watch for volunteer sign ups in the Herald or on sign up genius
- Donate needed items for events
- Give treasure through PTO fundraisers
- Volunteer as a PTO Officer
- Attend meetings
Year Round Fundraisers
Anyone who shops can help raise money for the school's PTO by registering with Amazon Smiles or Casey's Rewards. There is no additional purchasing required, just link your account to our school and the PTO automatically receives a percentage of your purchases.
Acts of Service
Community Involvement. Some previous activities the Sacred Heart Blazers have been involved in are: Cowley County Humane Society donations, Socktober and 4th and 5th grade read books to animals. As well as a canned food drive in November. In December the students will go caroling to the Senior Center. January they write letters of encouragment to residents of the local nursing homes. The Katherine Drexel (Penny War) is in February. Students also send Valentineś to the widows of the parish.
Mum Parking Lot Sale
September 6, 7 and 8, 2024!
Help us reach our goal to sale 175 pots!Catholic Schools Week
January 26-31, 2025
Catholic Schools Week is an annual initiative led by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) to celebrate the excellence and impact of Catholic schools. Each year, Catholic schools observe the celebration through a variety of activities, emphasizing the importance of Catholic education.This exciting week will kick off with a breakfast after children's mass on January 26th, 2025. The students have a diffrent theme each day for dress up. We will also have our awesome book fair! Lastly, there is an amazing chicken and noodle lunch with families on Friday, January 31, 2025.
Spring Stampede
Our next Stampede will take place in February 15, 2025! Committee consists Fallon Giles, Angelina Francisco, Amanda Jennings and Mariah Rippe. Anyone wanting to be involved is welcome to come to the meeting!Spring Flower Sale
Our annual Spring Flower Fundraiser will take place in April 2025. We partner with Sedan Floral for this awesome fundraising event. We hope to have presales this year as well as a large plant sale after mass, be on the look out for further details to come! Fundraising chair for this event is Lakin Waggoner.