Infant Baptism - is to take place for those age 6 & under. Parents should strive to baptize children within 3 months of birth. Contact the office to setup classes of preparation.
Baptism - for those age 7 & up - can recieve holy Baptism only within the celebration of the Easter Vigil. Depending on a person's circumstances, preparation may take 1-2 years.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated by the Bishop every other year for Sacred Heart Catholic Church & School for those in 5th & 6th grade.
Please contact the office to register your child.
Reception of First Holy Communion is customarily given to those age 7-8 (2nd Grade). Children must undergo prepration either through Sacred Heart School or (PSR) Public Schoo Religion.
Couples planning marriage must contact the pastor nine months in advance of the marriage for sacramental preparation and necessary documentation.
Young men who have questions about the priesthood or are interested should speak with the pastor.
Call the office (620-442-0566) concerning illness and home-bound so we may visit them. Families should notify the pastor when a parishioner is hospitalized or having surgery.